Norwich Pagan Moot logo: Living Norfolk Magic, Ickeny Collection and three symbols: Pentacle, Thor's Hammer and the Awen - public domain images

Norwich Pagan Moot

Scroll down for news and contact details.

Norwich Pagan Moot is a gathering of Pagans and others who acknowledge the spirit in the Earth and Sky, Land and Sea. We hold two regular gatherings a month - the second Sunday evening talk or workshop and the fourth Saturday Coffee Moot - along with a floating, on-line presentation. In October, we have our annual Boudica's Brocante. We also have a number of public rituals and walks through the year, notably the annual Twelfth Night ritual on Mousehold Heath. Our 'oss, the Ickeny, usually makes an appearance at rituals, especially Twelfth Night! We are a friendly, welcoming and supportive organisation and do not discriminate on grounds of belief, gender, disability, race or sexuality. Our events are public and open to all. Find out more on the 'Events' page and in our Facebook group. Scroll down for our full contact details.

We also have big plans for the future. You can read more about those on the 'Under One Roof' page. We do need your support for those and the costs we have to cover even to support virtual events - and our speakers generously donate their time and research, and do their presentations for free! So, please help us by making a donation, large or small, via Paypal to (please copy out, to avoid spam) ...

Norwich Moot's Paypal e-mail address, not given as a link to avoid spam; it can be typed in as norwichpaganmoot (all one word) at hotmail dot com

Image from the first Boudica's Brocante forming a link to the Events page       Image of sunlight through clouds over a roof forming a link to the Under One Roof page       Image of books forming a link to the Resources page       Image of the Ickeny forming a link to the Ickeny page

view over Norwich from St. James' Hill forming a link to the Norwich & Norfolk page       Image of barley, a favour of wheat and a sickle on a Lammas altar forming a link to the About Paganism page       Brocante page.       Donations page under construction.


Older news is archived here.

August 2024 - Opportunity to help shape educational materials on Paganism for use in schools!

At the July Coffee Moot we had a visitor: Nicola Archer, who works for the Jigsaw Education Group ( She is its Regional Adviser for RE in the East of England and wanted to talk to Pagans with a view to producing material for use in school RE lessons to aid understanding of Paganism amongst the many religions and belief systems that exist. There were good conversations around the table (and in the pub afterwards) and several people gave Nicola their e-mail addresses so that she could contact them for further insights and understanding of Pagan beliefs and experiences - all for eventual consumption by young people, of course! We also agreed that the request for contacts would go on-line so that other people can contact her if they like. Her e-mail address is and the questions she is asking people are as follows.

Nicola writes, "Your input will be so valuable in helping children understand, respect and become more knowledgeable about this worldview."

June 2024 - Val Thomas invited to speak at and bless Grimes Graves!

Image promoting the Grimes Graves Flint Festival, 'Beneath the Surface', on 15th and 16th June 2024, with images of knapped flint tools, the chalk goddess, over an aerial view of Grimes Graves, with text and various logos.       Val Thomas speaking at the Grimes Graves Flint Festival, 'Beneath the Surface', on 15th June 2024, standing with her forked stick in front of the audience in the talks tent, with the 'Stone Club' banner and a table of replica neolthic artefacts behind her.

Val Thomas spoke at the Grimes Graves "Beneath the Surface" Flint Festival on 15th June, as a result of the English Heritage organisers reading her book, Of Chalk and Flint! Her topic was "Magical Connections in Ancient Norfolk Landscapes" and she joined other well-known presenters in a two-day programme of talks, performances and craft workshops, organised jointly by English Heritage and the Stone Club, celebrating the reopening of Grimes Graves as a visitor attraction.

At the end of the day, Val led a blessing of the site! This was made all the more special by English Heritage providing mead for a libation, poured by flint-expert David Smith from one of the fantastic glasses he has made from fused flint!

Grimes Graves is a Neolithic flint mine in Thetford Forest. The name comes from the idea that the pits visible on the surface were dug by Grímr (i.e. Odin) - but Thor was definitely making His presence felt on the Saturday!

Strange Shape: a love letter to Norwich - April 2024

Cover of Cat Ward's new book, with title and an image of a lamb.

Chris Wood writes…

Moot regular Cat Woodward has her debut volume of poetry out this month!

"Strange Shape is a love letter to Norwich, haunted by the spectral hellhound Black Shuck across the fens and fields of history, following the rivers towards the waves of the rising tides returning to claim the land. Imaginative, lyrical and full of dark magic, Strange Shape takes an East Anglian city and shifts it into unexpected forms."

Strange Shape can be purchased direct from the publisher, Story Machine and at a multi-author launch event at Anteros Arts Foundation (Fye Bridge Street) on Tuesday 9th April, 7 p.m. (no need to book).

Hallowtide: A Dark Devotional - March 2024

Covers of Val Thomas' new book, with a pumpkin and a seasonal altar.

Val Thomas writes…

I am delighted to announce that my new book, 'Hallowtide: A Dark Devotional', is now available to purchase in standard hardback and paperback editions from the wonderful Troy Books!

The book explores the sacred days between Hallowe’en and Martinmas, a moment of the year which offers a deep well of dark magic.

As the leaves yellow and fall, and pavements and forest tracks are covered in fairy gold, much that is strange and disturbing, yet exquisitely beautiful, emerges from the swirling mists. In the darkness, surrounded by the scent of decay, we feel keenly our own mortality and the presence of those who have died recently or long ago: family members, distant ancestors, friends and beloved animal companions. By indulging our emotions at this time, we embrace life with greater intensity.

The book casts its spell through personal memories and reflections on joy and loss, woven together with a little of the history and folklore of these holy days. It includes spells, recipes and pathworkings.

There are also nine Dark Devotions, powerful, tried-and-tested rituals which can be adapted to suit the tastes of the various streams of witchcraft and magical practice. They are perfect for the dark times but most are suitable for working throughout the year.

Beautifully illustrated by Alice Kerridge-Crick, this book will make you laugh, cry, reflect on life and loss and embrace the melancholy of the season while always acknowledging that renewal, growth and blossoming will return.


Who does what?


Principal Moot Organiser; face-to-face events; Living Norfolk Magic; Facebook

01603 749 231
Norwich Moot's contact e-mail address, not given as a link to avoid spam; it can be typed in as norwichpaganmoot (all one word) at hotmail dot com


Living Norfolk Magic; Facebook; author; speaker; herbalist; herb walks

01603 667 314


On-line events; Instagram; Facebook

Alice's e-mail address, not given as a link to avoid spam; it can be typed in as info at norwichpagans (as one word) dot com


Web-site; Twitter; media contact; inter-faith; Ickeny Collection; speaker; guided walks

01603 667 314
Chris' e-mail address, not given as a link to avoid spam; it can be typed in as thecatscradle at btinternet dot com


Face-to-face events, especially Boudica's Brocante; Earthglade

Szara's e-mail address, not given as a link to avoid spam; it can be typed in as earthglade at yahoo dot com

We would also like to give a very special thank you to Nev Young who built and maintained Norwich Moot's previous web-site for over a decade!

This site and its contents, unless otherwise stated, are copyright © Norwich Pagan Moot 2024.
Images copyright © the named photographer.