Norwich Pagan Moot
Face-to-face events are running again: the Coffee Moot (fourth Saturday of the month), talks and workshops at the Silver Road Community Centre (second Sunday of the month) and, later in the year, walks. But, we are still doing on-line talks as well - the silver lining to the last three years has been the people who have joined as on-line that couldn't do so in person. We have been joined by people from distant parts of England, Wales, Canada, France and the USA!
If you join our Facebook group you will automatically get notifications of our events. If you’re not a Facebook person, don’t worry, the links will be given here for each event. Alternatively, contact us and we can put you on our e-mail list to get the links (please copy out the e-mail addresses to avoid spam).
We are currently investigating mailing list service options. Once we have chosen one, people will be invited to sign up afresh - including those who had signed up to receive notifications from the old Moot web-site. We apologise that we have not yet been able to accommodate that list!
Our on-line events are run via Google Meet. The joining links will be posted on this page in advance. If you are using a computer you will be able simply to click on the link we provide to join the event. However, if you are using a mobile device (phone or tablet) you will need to download the Google Meet app. in advance and either sign in using a gmail account or create an account - so do give yourself plenty of time to do so!
Our next events
In-person craft sale of new and pre-loved items with
a Magical and Pagan theme
'Boudica's Brocante'
Sunday 20th October 2024, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
At the Silver Road Community Centre, 34 Silver Road, Norwich NR3 4TB
(Easily walkable from the city, but if driving, use QD’s car park, through arch immediately north of zebra crossing.)
Bring cash!
Coffee Moot
Cafe Bar Marzano at the Forum in Norwich
Saturday 26th October 2024, from 10:30 a.m.
On-line Talk
Will Wright (Co-Editor of Wyrd Zine)
'Mimir the Headless Neanderthal'
Sunday 27th October, 7:00 p.m., via Google Meet
Joining link: TBC
If using a mobile or tablet device, you may need to enter the code: TBC .
In-person Workshop
Fiona Dowson
'Magic of Tarot'
Sunday 10th November 2024, 7:00 p.m.
£5 cash
At the Silver Road Community Centre, 34 Silver Road, Norwich NR3 4TB
(Easily walkable from the city, but if driving, use QD’s car park, through arch immediately north of zebra crossing.)
Coffee Moot
Cafe Bar Marzano at the Forum in Norwich
Saturday 23rd November 2024, from 10:30 a.m.
On-line Talk
Chris Wood
'Amulets in Theory and Practice'
Sunday 24th November, 7:00 p.m., via Google Meet
Joining link: TBC
If using a mobile or tablet device, you may need to enter the code: TBC .
Coffee Moot
Cafe Bar Marzano at the Forum in Norwich
Saturday 21st December 2024, from 10:30 a.m.
We thank all our speakers who have generously donated their time to research and present talks for free! But the Moot still has running costs – and future plans, including a Moot House! So, we would welcome any donations, large or small (the price of a chocolate bar even…). Our PayPal address for donations is (please copy out to avoid spam):
A Sample of Past Events
Video Links
Some of our speakers have kindly provided texts or presentations from their talks which you can download here.
Twelfth Night Wild Hunt Ritual, 7th January 2023
The Ickeny glistens in the rain at the end of the rite. (Picture: Claire Bullion)
Lammas, 1st August 2021
The Lammas altar with (left to right) Hazel as the Lady of Norfolk, the Ickeny and Flint, as Lord of Norfolk. (Picture: Val Thomas)
Twelfth Night 2021
The Ickeny was on Mousehold, along with His support bubble, at Twelfth Night 2021, so that dark forces could be expelled and the energy of new life be welcomed (left).
Ritual preparations for the event (right). (Pictures: Annette Dewgarde)
This site and its contents, unless otherwise stated, are copyright © Norwich Pagan Moot and individual named contributors 2024.
Images copyright © the named photographer.